CD School House 9
CD School House 9.0 - Wayzata Technology (1994).iso
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DOS Batch File
132 lines
@echo off
BfE clear1
bfe ncsay 15 1 14 1 Olsen Outdoors Software Installer and Document Printer
bfe box 10 3 14 3 64 9
bfe ncsay 0 3 16 4 1. Install FISHBASE ][ to Floppy or Hard Disk
bfe ncsay 0 3 16 5 2. Print FISHBASE ][ Manual
bfe ncsay 0 3 16 6 3. Print FISHBASE ][ Registration Form
bfe ncsay 0 3 16 7 4. Print Software Catalog and Order Form
bfe ncsay 0 3 16 8 5. QUIT this program
BfE ncsay 14 1 18 11 Please enter the NUMBER of your choice:
BfE instr 12345
if errorlevel 53 goto Abort
if errorlevel 52 goto PrintCat
if errorlevel 51 goto PrintReg
if errorlevel 50 goto PrintMan
if errorlevel 49 goto Install1
bfe beep
goto begin
bfe clear1
if "%1" == "" goto Install2
bfe say 15 1 2 1 Ready to install FISHBASE ][ onto your hard disk.
bfe say 15 1 2 2 The game will be installed in the drive\directory shown
BfE say 15 1 2 3 below.
echo "%1"
bfe ncsay 15 1 2 5 Is this okay? (y-n)
BfE y-n
if not errorlevel 89 goto Abort1
bfe clear1
bfe say 14 1 10 1 Beginning installation of FISHBASE ][......
if not exist %1\nul md %1
copy *.* %1
copy fb2.bat c:\
bfe delay3000
bfe clear0
echo Installation of FISHBASE ][ has been completed. To run FISHBASE ][,
echo first change to the directory "%1" then type FB.
echo Please enter the NUMBER of what you want to do next from the list below.
echo 1. Quit this program and return to DOS.
echo 2. Return to the MAIN MENU of this program.
BfE ncsay 14 0 20 12 Please enter either 1 or 2
BfE instr 12
if errorlevel 50 goto begin
goto abort
bfe clear1
bfe say 15 1 2 2 Ready to install FISHBASE ][ onto your hard disk. The game will be
bfe ncsay 15 1 2 3 installed in the drive\directory C:\FBASE. Is this okay? (y/n)
BfE y-n
if not errorlevel 89 goto Abort1
bfe clear1
bfe say 14 1 2 1 beginning installation of FISHBASE ][ to C:\FBASE......
if not exist c:\FBASE\nul md c:\FBASE
copy *.* c:\FBASE
copy fb2.bat c:\
bfe delay3000
echo Installation of FISHBASE ][ has been completed. Please enter the
echo NUMBER of what you want to do next from the list below.
echo 1. Quit this program and run FISHBASE ][ (leave the floppy inserted for now!)
echo 2. Quit this program and return to DOS.
echo 3. Return to the MAIN MENU of this program.
BfE ncsay 14 1 2 10 Please enter either 1, 2, or 3
BfE instr 123
if errorlevel 51 goto begin
if errorlevel 50 goto abort
if errorlevel 49 goto RUNNAGS
goto begin
bfe clear1
bfe say 15 1 10 1 Ready to print FISHBASE ][ manual (about 17 pages).
BfE ncsay 14 1 10 3 Press P to PRINT, any other key to CANCEL.
if not errorlevel 80 goto begin
bfe say 15 1 10 5 Please wait. Printing FISHBASE ][ users manual....
copy fb.doc prn
bfe delay2000
goto begin
bfe clear1
bfe say 15 1 10 1 Ready to print FISHBASE ][ registration form.
BfE ncsay 14 1 10 3 Press P to PRINT, any other key to CANCEL.
if not errorlevel 80 goto begin
bfe say 15 1 10 5 Please wait. Printing FISHBASE ][ registration form.....
copy register.doc prn
bfe delay2000
goto begin
bfe clear1
bfe say 15 1 15 1 Ready to print Software Catalog and Order Form.
BfE ncsay 14 1 15 3 Press P to PRINT, any other key to CANCEL:
if not errorlevel 80 goto begin
bfe say 10 1 15 5 Please wait. Printing Software Catalog and Order Form.....
copy orderfrm.txt prn
bfe delay2000
goto begin
echo Cancelling FISHBASE ][ installation.
echo To specify a directory other than C:\FBASE, restart the INSTALL program
echo with a command similar to this:
BfE say 14 1 20 6 INSTALL (drive)\(directory)
echo where (drive) specifies the hard disk drive you want (C:, D: etc.)
echo followed by a back-slash (\ with no spaces) and the name of the
echo directory to install it in (again with no spaces).
goto finish
cd %1
goto finish
goto finish